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Shannon Makujina
Jul 25, 20234 min read
Jesus, Jason Aldean, and Small Town Christianity
Jason Aldean’s song, Try That in a Small Town, is blowing up the internet right now, igniting a huge amount of controversy and garnering...
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Shannon Makujina
Communion Part 1: What Do You Remember?
“Joyfully we join you at your table.” The lyrics to Syke Peterson’s new song, Keep the Feast , caught me off guard and drew me into...
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Shannon Makujina
Taking Back Your Voice: Why Survivors Should Tell Their Stories
"Why do you talk about it so much?" I used to hear that question, usually from detractors. "You must be bitter." "Do you know how to...
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Shannon Makujina
Preach the Gospel, die, and be forgotten
Last year, I subjected my roommate to watching the extended cut of all three Lord of the Rings movies. At 81 years old, Joan said she had...
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